
By Mrs. M. McLeod

At the Middle School campus all teachers have a binder inside their classroom for reference. Inside this binder is a collection of virtue materials that are displayed throughout all classrooms. Materials such as classroom posters, a classroom set-up checklist and references to virtue based literature.

The Middle School Virtue Program is designed to appeal to older students. To ensure students are engaged when exposed to the information and importance of virtues, the following whole school activities are utilized within our middle school campus:

Virtue Points

The virtue points are a school wide initiative. It involves placing all Ogden students in virtue teams. Virtue points are awarded to students who demonstrate virtuous acts in the school. At each assembly, the virtue team with the most points is recognized and is involved in an end of year special activity.

Virtue Hero Certificates

Homeroom teachers monitor student behaviour and award certificates to students in their homeroom who best exemplify the current virtue. At the virtue assembly, these same students have their picture taken and mounted on the Virtue Hero & Heroine Wall of Fame.


There are three assemblies throughout the year. A team of teachers is responsible for organizing each assembly. Teachers join one of the three virtue sub-committees (perseverance, generosity or gratitude). They are responsible for organizing a school wide activity and morning announcements.

At our virtue assemblies, students have the opportunity to showcase each virtue through drama, song, and various language activities.

Ogden Virtues Binder





Self Control





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